The Lusitanian Church is a part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, established by our Lord Jesus Christ, believes the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament and declare that there men can find all the necessary to salvation.
This Church accepts the tradition of the Ancient Church as per the Catholic Creeds, detailed on the decisions of General Councils received everywhere and generally confessed on the Anglican Communion, and maintains as bases for interpretation, the unity on the most important, freedom on uncertain questions, charity on everything. The Lusitanian Church declares to be on the historical and doctrinal continuity of the first centuries churches, which existed in Lusitania, as well as on the other of Hispanic Peninsula, and desires to maintain, in harmony with the teaching of the Holy Bible, what in the Universal Church, everywhere, in all times and by all Christian men has been relieved; and consequently refuses to accept, in matters of Faith, what else cannot be judged as «vere proprieque catholicum».
The main points of its doctrine are the following, so called the Lambeth Quadrilateral:
a) The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament as the revealed Word of God;
b) The Nicene Creed as the sufficient statement of the Christian Faith;
c) The two Sacraments - Baptism and the Eucharist - ministered with the unfailing words and elements used by Christ;
d) The historic Episcopate.
The first congregations have used the Portuguese version of the English Common Prayer Book. In 1882 the Synod has approved a proper liturgy with the promulgation of a Communion Prayer Book on which it has tried to include the traditional uses which are not against the Holy Bible. The compilers of the Portuguese Book of Common Prayer, according to their own words, «strove to adjust their work to the uses of the Primitive Apostolic Church». And they felt under the obligation to take account the Braga Missal as the national source for the work. Although they did not keep entirely close to that purpose, their intention reflected the logical coherence between the Lex Orandi and the Lex credendi of their community. This purpose still remains as a leading rule for the interpretation and revision of the Liturgy of the Church.
Link - The Book of Common Prayer of the Lusitanian Church (1991)